Supporting Neurodivergent Children over the Christmas Period

As we approach the holiday season, it's important to remember that this can be a challenging time for neurodivergent children. The change in routine, increased sensory stimuli and social expectations can be overwhelming for them. As parents and educators, we want to support these children during this time and ensure they have an enjoyable holiday season. 

Here are some tips to support neurodivergent children over the Christmas period.

Create a Safe Space 

During family gatherings or events, it's important to create a safe space for neurodivergent children. This can be a designated quiet room or area where they can go to take a break from social interactions and sensory overload. This will allow them to recharge and feel more comfortable in their environment.

Communicate Expectations 

Communication is key when it comes to supporting neurodivergent children during the holiday season. Let them know ahead of time what to expect, such as who will be attending events or any changes in routine. This will help reduce anxiety and prepare them for social interactions.

Use Visual Aids 

For children with autism or other neurodivergent conditions, visual aids can be extremely helpful. Use calendars or picture schedules to help them understand what's happening and when. This will provide a sense of predictability and control, which can reduce stress and anxiety.

Incorporate Familiar Activities 

During the holiday season, it's easy to get caught up in trying new activities or traditions. However, for neurodivergent children, it can be comforting to incorporate familiar activities into the holiday routine. This can be a favourite game, movie or tradition that they look forward to each year.


Utilising technology can be incredibly beneficial for neurodivergent children during the festive season. By incorporating specially designed apps that aid in maintaining focus and attention, we can effectively promote a sense of security, well-being, and inclusivity. For instance, apps like Fonetti provide a unique platform that helps children regulate their emotions, offering a captivating focal point for their attention and instilling a sense of purpose and accomplishment as they engage with interactive stories.

Seek Professional Support 

If you notice your child struggling during the holiday season, seek support from a professional. A therapist or counsellor can help your child cope with the changes and provide strategies to manage any challenges they may face. Remember, it's okay to ask for help.

With these tips in mind, we can support neurodivergent children during the holiday season and ensure they have a happy and enjoyable Christmas. Let's make this time of year inclusive for all children.


Give Your Students the Gift of Literacy with Fonetti read-aloud app and School Portal


Ignite children’s Christmas imagination through reading!